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Siemen’s Products

Siemens Transponders

Transponders are fitted to workpieces, robots, vehicles, etc. and transmit a wireless signal at defined intervals. They can also be equipped with data interfaces, and transmit location details directly to the local control system or make additional sensor data available to higher-level systems.


Anchors record the transponder signals, give them a fixed position and time stamp, and pass on the bundled data. With at least three mutually synchronized anchors, the transponder can be located in 3D with accuracy measured in centimeters.


Gateways bundle all the recorded data and transmit it to the higher-level locating server. Gateways can also be used as an anchor at the same time.

Locating Manager

The Locating Manager is a software system that calculates the real-time position of the individual transponders and passes the details on to the higher-level systems via defined interfaces and using configurable rules.

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